
Our company is very experienced in production consultancy (plant nutrition / plant protection). We carry out this service together with our own Agricultural Engineers and our valuable academicians who are experts in their fields at various universities.

In order to carry out plant nutrition, a program is made by taking into account climate factors, soil factors and plant factors, and we carry out applications according to the phenological condition of the plant.

The climate taken into consideration during these studies is Soil and plant factors are as follows;

Air temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, Wind direction, amount of precipitation, amount of organic matter, structure, level of macro elements, level of micro elements, plant root depth, soil moisture. , Soil temperature, Plant type, Planting date, Row spacing, Diseases and Pests, Weeds and similar facts.

As a result of the analyzes and determinations made, a plant nutrition program is prepared according to the phenological calendar. During production consultancy, technological methods are also used depending on the situation.

We can offer our production consultancy according to the preference regarding land, plant type and cost, according to which of 2 different methods is appropriate:

Classical Method: The fertilization program is determined according to the status and demand of the plant nutrients in the soil, determined according to the soil analysis, and a quality plant nutrition process is carried out with controls to be carried out in the field at certain times.

Disease and In pest diagnosis, the active period of the pest and disease is determined during periodic field checks and the appropriate control method is selected. The selection is made by taking into account the integrated struggle methods. This may vary depending on the phenological period of the product on the land.

Advanced Technological Method: Taking into account a number of factors such as the size of the land, location, plant type, soil, analysis from satellite, drone Based analysis, sensor based measurements, macro and micro nutrient measurements can be made with field kits. During these studies, areas with plant nutrient deficiency can be identified, areas with irrigation need/irrigation excess can be identified, the effects of diseases and pests can be determined, productivity status can be determined, soil salinity level (Ec) and pH values ​​can be measured. Thanks to the remote sensing system, adult emergence is also controlled by using pheromone traps with camera for pest detection.

In addition to using advanced technological methods (satellite, drone and land sensors), problems detected based on remote sensing are detected through periodic visits to the fields. We also control (nutrient and water deficiency, diseases and harmful effects, etc.).