Uni Change is a mixing agent. When applied in the spraying tank, it reduces the pH of the tank and provides the multi-mix feature in the tank.
Uni Change can be applied with drip and spraying tanks. When applied without dripping, it ensures the removal of macro and micro elements bound in the soil that cannot be absorbed. Thanks to its low pH feature, it creates a shock pH drop in the effective root zone, thus opening the transmission bundles.
Features of UNI CHANGE:
It increases the solubility of pesticides and fertilizers in water.
It removes the hardness of water.
It adjusts the pH of alkaline waters.
It ensures that pesticides take effect in the expected time.< /p>
Prevents clogging of drip irrigation pipes.
Prevents foaming of the spraying tank.
Enables the transmission bundles to be opened.
Destroys the macro and micro elements bound in the soil. It ensures uptake.
It is harmless to bees.
Usage Dosage: It is used by mixing with insecticides, fungicides and leaf fertilizers. In general, application at a dose of 100-200 cc / 100 lt of water is recommended. When used with herbicides, up to 400 cc of Unichange can be mixed into the spraying solution to be applied per decare. To clean the pipes in drip irrigation, a dose of 200-800 cc / 100 lt of water can be applied.
Preparation of the Solution: The tank of the sprayer is first filled halfway with water. Then, the pesticide is mixed and added and completed with water. Shortly before the tank is completely filled with water, Unichange is added with constant stirring.
Compatibility: It should not be mixed with Bordeaux slurry, copper preparations and calcium sulfate.
IDEAL pH | |||
Abamection | 5 | Cloropyrifos | 4.0-5.0 |
Azoxystrobin | 5-6.5 | Cyflutrin | 4.0 |
Dimethoate | 4 | Cypermethrin | 4.0 |
Fenbutatin oxide | 7 | Deltametrine | 4.0 |
Hexythiazox | 5 | Diazinon | 7 |
Captain | 5.0 | Diflubenzuron | 5.0 |
Carbendazim | 5.0 | Dimethoate | 4.0 |
Chlorothanil | 5.0-6.0 | Fenitrothion | 4.0-6.5 |
Difenoconazole | 5 | Fenthion | 4.0-5.0 |
Dodine | 6.0-7.0 | Formetanate hydrochloride | 6 |
Iprodione | 5.0 | Lambdacylotrin | 4.0 |
Mancozeb | 5.0 | Lufenuron | 5.0 |
Copper Oxychloride | 5-6.5 | Malathion | 5.0 |
Propiconazole | 5.0 | Metidation | 4.0-5.0 |
Tebuconazole | 5.0 | Methomil | 5.0 |
Thiophanate Methyl | 5.0 | Permethrin | 4.0 |
Triadimefon | 5.0 | Profenofos | 4.0 |
Sodium acifluorfen | 5.0 | Teflubenzuron | 5.0 |
Diuron | 6.0-7.0 | Tiometon | 5.0 |
Diuron-hexazinon | 6 | Triazofos | 4.0-6.5 |
Fluazipop-P-Butyl | 5.0 | Trichlorfon | 6 |
Gliphosate | 3.0-4.0 | Oxyfluorene | 5.0 |
Flumetsulan | 5.0 | Pendimenthalin | 5.0 |
Fomesafen | 5.0 | Sethoxidim | 5.0 |
Halosulfuron | 5.0 | Simazine | 5.0 |
Holoxifop | 5.0 | Sulfentragone | 5.0 |
Lactofen | 5.0 | Sulfosate | 5.0 |
Linuron | 5.0 | Trifuralina | 5.0 |
Metaclor | 5.0 | Bacillus thuringiensis | 5.0 |
Metribuzin | 5.0 | Carbaryl | 5.0 |
Oryzalina | 5.0 | Carbofuran | 5.0 |