From Drip, Sprinkler or Sprinkler Foliar Spray TIME OF USE
GREENHOUSE PLANTS 1-1.5 lt / 1 ton water/daily/da 200-250 cc /   100 Lt of water Development period It is applied from the beginning. 2-3 application repetitions every 15 days It is recommended.
BEET 1 lt/da 200-250 cc /   100 Lt of water Development period It is applied from the beginning. 2-3 application repetitions every 15 days It is recommended.
COTTON, INDUSTRIAL CROPS 200-250 cc /   100 Lt of water Development period It is applied from the beginning. 2-3 application repetitions every 15 days It is recommended.
OPEN FIELD VEGETABLES 500 cc /da 200-250 cc /   100 Lt of water Development period It is applied from the beginning. 2-3 application repetitions every 15 days It is recommended.
FRUIT TREES By tree age: 200-250 cc Where shoots begin It is applied from this period onwards. It is recommended to repeat 2-3 applications every 15 days. is done.
50-200 cc /head of tree  / 100 Lt water
GRAINS - 100-200 cc /     100 Lt of water Brothering and straying One application at a time is recommended.
LINK 2 lt/da 200-250 cc From the beginning of flowering It is applied from. It is recommended to repeat 2-3 applications with an interval of 15 days.
 / 100 Lt water
OLIVE By tree age: 200-250 cc From the beginning of flowering It is applied from. It is recommended to repeat 2-3 applications with an interval of 15 days.
50-200 cc /head of tree  / 100 Lt water
CITRUS, TEA, BANANA By tree age: 200-250 cc Where shoots begin It is applied from this period onwards. It is recommended to repeat 2-3 applications every 15 days. is done.
50-200 cc /head of tree  / 100 Lt water
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 200-250 cc Applied from the beginning of the development period. search for 15 days 2-3 repetitions of application are recommended.
/ 100 Lt water