Effects of GO FULVIC on Plants Go Fulvic-L is a natural soil regulator and increases the development and productivity of the plant. It regulates the movement of water and air in the soil and makes it available to the plant. It regulates the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and ensures that plants grow healthier and stronger. Thus, it increases quality and efficiency.

It ensures better ventilation of the roots and soil.

It increases the water retention capacity of the soil.

By chelating trace elements, they convert them into chemical forms that the plant can benefit from. transforms. It prevents chlorosis and other trace element deficiencies.

It darkens the color of the soil and allows more solar energy to be absorbed.

It neutralizes acidic and basic soils. It regulates the pH of the soil by removing excess salinity and calcareousness.

Increases the number of beneficial soil microorganisms.

It maximizes the cation exchange capacity of the soil.

The macro in the soil. and increases the uptake of micronutrient elements by the plant.

It accelerates the growth and development of the plant.

It is completely natural and does not pose the slightest harmful risk to humans, animals and all other living things and the environment. product.

Drip, Irrigation Application Leaf APPLICATION TIME
(cc/100lt water)  
SERA VEGETABLES 1500-2000 cc /da 350 cc Seedling 3 applications starting from planting or when the plant is in the 3-4 leaf stage Repeat.
(Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cucumber, Zucchini, Watermelon, Melon, Potato, Strawberry, Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Celery, Spinach etc.)
ON FIELD VEGETABLES 1200-1500 cc/da 300 cc Seedling 3 applications starting from planting or when the plant is in the 3-4 leaf stage Repeat.
(Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon, Melon, Zucchini, Potato, Strawberry, Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Celery, Spinach etc.)
ORnamental PLANTS and STRAWBERRY 1000-1200 cc/ also 300 cc Plant with 3-4 leaves while in period 3 Repeat application.
 < /td> 1500-2000 cc/da or 80-100 cc/tree 350 cc  3 applications :
FRUITS -Bud in explosion and bloom
(Soft and Hard Core Fruits, Bananas, Olives, Citrus Fruits, Vineyards, Hazelnuts, etc.) -Fruit in the formation period
  -Fruit in the developmental period
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 1500 cc /da 350 cc In spring Apply and repeat at intervals of 20-30 days.
(Corn, Soybean, Tobacco, Cotton, Sunflower, Sugar Beetroot, Peanut, etc.)
GREEN FIELDS - 350 cc First application with pesticide use Do this and repeat during the plant's erection period.