
Organic agriculture certified Companion is a biological fungicide that you can use safely for waterborne root diseases and leaf diseases. Apart from being extremely effective when used alone, it is a product that can have a synergistic effect when used together with medications, thus increasing the drug effect. The disease and product pattern for which it is licensed are given below.

Plants and Harmful Organisms for which it is used

Plant Name Organism Name
Tomato (Seedbed) Seedling Root Rot
(Fusarium Oxysporum, Rhizoctonia Solani)
Strawberry (Greenhouse) Lead Mold
(Botrytis cinereai)
Cucumber (Greenhouse) White Rot
(Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum)
Pepper (Greenhouse) Lead Mold
(Botrytis cinereai)
Tobacco (Seedling Period) Collapse in Tobacco Seedlings
(Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia Solani Kühn., Alternaria spp., Pythium spp. (Lib.) de Bary)
Link Lead Mold
(Botrytis cinereai)
Apple Blackmark
(Venturia inaequalis)
Pear Fire Blight on Pome Fruit Trees
(Erwinia amylovara)
Potato (Seed) Root Necrosis and Black Wart Disease
(Rhizoctonia solani)
Cherry Flower Monilia in Cherry
(Monilinia laxa Aderth et Ruhl.)